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Mindfulness daily
Welcome to Mindfulness Daily
Day 1 - The power of choice through a relaxed awareness
Day 2 - Aliveness through the senses
Day 3 - Coming back to your breath
Day 4 - Deepening calm and peace with the breath
Day 5 - Slowing down by counting the breath
Day 6 - Focused attention
Day 7 - Mindfulness of the body
Day 8 - Body scan
Day 9 - From inside out
Day 10 - Naming sensations
Day 11 - Being with intense sensations
Day 12 - Awareness of emotions
Day 13 - Naming emotions
Day 14 - Working with difficult emotions
Day 15 - Taking in the good, positive emotions
Day 16 - Kindness and feeling cared about
Day 17 - You are not your thoughts
Day 18 - Recognizing thought patterns
Day 19 - The inner critic
Day 20 - Deepening self-compassion with RAIN
Day 21 - Generating self-compassion
Day 22 - Growing inner-strengths
Day 23 - Feelings of accomplishments
Day 24 - Feeling strong
Day 25 - Stress better
Day 26 - Changing your perception of stress and anxiety
Day 27 - Seeing clearly
Day 28 - Strong back, soft front
Day 29 - Compassion for others
Day 30 - Widening the circle of compassion
Day 31 - Forgiveness for yourself
Day 32 - Forgiveness for others
Day 33 - Compassion in action
Day 34 - Everyday intention
Day 35 - Trusting the good
Day 36 - Living in alignment
Day 37 - Trust in yourself
Day 38 - Gratitude
Day 39 - Benevolence
Day 40 - Your deepest intention
Course completion and additional resources
Day 38 - Gratitude
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